Title: Chunqing Lushao
Other Title/s: 纯情陆少
女扮男装,她撩的一手好妹,温柔指数max,微笑技能up! 女人围绕着她转,男人更是被掰弯无数。人生格言:只要锄头舞的好,哪有墙角挖不倒。人送外号“湾仔码头”! 帝城无冕之王宗继泽拿她当兄弟,最后却把她撂上床! 陆一宁怒了:“宗少,我把你当兄弟,你他妈的却想睡我!”
Disguised as a man, Lu Dingning picks up a bunch of girls, with her gentleman index on max and her prince charming smile leveled up! Women are constantly surrounding her and men are getting mercilessly bent in her presence.
Life motto: As long as the hoe is dancing well, there's not a single boyfriend she can't steal!
Zong Jize, king of the city, treats her as his brother but ends up pushing her onto the bed.
Lu Yining says furiously, “Master Zong, I treated you as my brother but instead you sick bastard just wanted to sleep with me!”
im loving it
ReplyDeletethank's ^^